Monday, September 8, 2008

Fashion Models on display

Nothing catches a shopper's eye like a mannequin.!
You wonder whether clothing sells better when it's displayed on mannequins and body forms.
Sure it does! That's because mannequins and body forms bring clothing to life and let you and I get a better look at the fit and fabric.
Imagine how we fantasize over that pieces of cloth with such excellent body shape!

From studies, it was the 1960s that propelled the mannequin into the elaborate poses developed in fashion photography and made possible by fiberglass technology, lightening and cheapening the body parts to assemble in gravity-defying poses.

The window mannequin emerged in the mid-1980s to take advantage of the big window spaces in the first stores built with steel girders, an architectural change soon followed by electric lighting that made store windows into theater.
As a sales tool for clothes, mannequins have always tended to be taller than the average woman (clothes look better on tall people, designers say), with exaggeratedly long legs, small waists and high bust.

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